
Sit and Relax

If you are 17 or below, please leave and cum back when you're of age. Also, be advised that this is an erotic hypnosis/mind control/brainwashing Blog. The suggestions in My Blog are not vanilla in anyway, and center around hypnotically enslaving/shaping your mind and body. If none of this suits you, then you're welcome to leave. Let Me know if you have any problems. I am 31, from Texas, gay, a psychology major in college, and love guys and hypnosis. If you are on a computer, listen to this wonderful video with your headphones in a different internet tab while you're enjoying My Blog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbOgj5-rjQQ My only email: bassoonboy_2011@yahoo.com My only Skype: Master.Stephen1

Let’s talk about your brain. Your brain is a very complex organ. It has the ability to create and shape your whole reality through perception. After all, perception is reality, isn’t it? Everything you taste, smell, touch, feel, and hear forms your perception of the stimuli you sense, of the world around you. You TASTE a flavor you like, and your brain PERCEIVES that flavor as desirable to you, and worth TASTING again. You do something that FEELS good, your brain PERCEIVES the euphoria as desirable to you, and worth FEELING again. Just like edging, right? Edging for Me, on My Blog, gives you Pleasure. Your brain makes you FEEL My Pleasure as you edge, you PERCEIVE that Pleasure as desirable, and worth FEELING again. It’s so simple, isn’t it? For such a complex organ, the way your brain works can be very simple, or perhaps I just have a way with words, and maybe it’s both. Let’s talk about your mind now. Your mind and brain are two different things. Your mind is a product of your brain, it’s formed by your brain, and it’s very complex as well. Your mind holds everything you are. Your mind is what makes you “you”, both on a conscious and subconscious level. Your mind is multi-faceted as well. You have a conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind, but you’re not aware of your subconscious and unconscious mind, are you? They exist underneath your conscious awareness, and you can’t really be consciously aware of the content in your subconscious and unconscious, but you are aware of their existence, and that they influence your conscious mind. So interesting, isn’t it? So interesting, perhaps, that you could feel captivated by this post, and O-pen up your mind even more to My words. Now, let’s talk about the different parts of your mind. Your conscious mind is like a filter. It chooses what to focus on, and what to ignore. Everything you are aware of is in your conscious mind. You think with your conscious mind. Even though you think with your conscious mind, your thoughts and actions can be influenced by your subconscious and unconscious minds. So, you may make the conscious decision to watch tv during an hour of free time you have, but your subconscious may make you decide to visit My Blog instead, and you wouldn’t be aware of the subconscious influence because it’s below your conscious awareness, isn’t it? Perhaps you’d think about spending your free time instead by edging, looking at sexy posts and feeling My Pleasure. Reading My words and feeling relaxed, aroused, and enraptured by them. Sinking deeper into a state of trance as you stroked, read, and absorbed brainwashing. Of course, then, watching tv during that free time would becum less desirable to you, you wouldn’t FEEL like watching tv, and instead PERCEIVE My Blog as how you want to spend your free time. All you would consciously be aware of is that you initially wanted to watch tv, then you thought about My Blog, and decided to go My Blog instead. That’d be a good, O-bedient subconscious, wouldn’t it? Let’s talk about your unconscious mind now. Your unconscious mind holds everything you are not consciously aware of. Just like your subconscious, your unconscious mind influences your conscious mind. Your unconscious mind plays a part in your decisions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Very arousing, isn’t it, to be so controlled on such a deep level? So hot to be controlled and not even know how. After all, you O-nly know what your conscious mind knows, and your conscious mind doesn’t know what’s going on in your unconscious mind does it? Your conscious mind can O-nly do what it’s told. O-bey. Follow My words. So interesting to learn how deeply I have a grasp on your mind, don’t I? Yeah, your conscious mind is so enthralled by My words on this post, and perhaps your unconscious mind holds a desire to be enveloped by My words, but all you can do is continue to follow and O-bey, can’t you? Now, we’ll talk about your subconscious, and you could be sure to be extra focused as you learn about your subconscious, and that can make you feel much more relaxed and O-pen and receptive. Though your subconscious and unconscious mind exist and function below and outside of your conscious awareness, and influence the actions of your conscious mind, they are not the same thing. Your subconscious acts as the storage room of your mind. Your subconscious holds all your previous life experiences, every situation you’ve been through, beliefs and values, memories, learned skills, and everything your senses have ever PERCEIVED: sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smells. As such, your subconscious mind can very powerfully influence your conscious mind, and thus, you. That’s why your subconscious is so O-bedient and adickted to Me, My words, My Blog, My brainwashing: it holds all of the brainwashing you’ve received from Me, consciously or unconsciously, deeply and permanently. Your subconscious influences your thoughts, actions, feelings, beliefs, everything you are and do with My brainwashing. Your subconscious knows how good My brainwashing FEELS, thus it PERCEIVES My brainwashing as desirable and worth FEELING more. So interesting how this all happens below your conscious awareness, isn’t it? Perhaps it can make you FEEL so controlled on such a deep and fundamental level that you would understand just how much there is no choice, no helping it about anything I say. Like, being cumpletely Mine, right? Or perhaps about how turned on and needy you FEEL for Me, and PERCEIVE it as becuming more Mine, and want to FEEL even more O-wned by Me. Your O-bedient subconscious makes you crave more of Me, My Blog, My words, and My brainwashing. After all, you need to be cumpletely brainwashed by Me, don’t you? There is no choice, your O-bedient subconscious makes you O-bey Me. O-nce you finish this post, you will send Me an ask or submission thanking Me for brainwashing lesson, and you'll continue to receive brainwashing from more of My posts, each and every day possible. There isn’t a choice, is there? O-bey

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